What is process and what can I expect when having curtains made to measure?

A good curtain advisor should help you to make the best choices for you and your window style.

A curtain estimator will tailor make your curtains for you, your home, your budget and your lifestyle so is a good idea to do some research before seeing your curtain estimator.  Look through a few interiors magazines or scan the internet to get an idea of the look you will be asking for.

Some curtain makers can supply you with your fabric and will have a wide selection to consider 

Your advisor will have spent a lot of time and money putting together a great range of fabrics for you to choose from.

These can be a selection of designer brands and less known brands.

Your estimator may invite you into their studio to discuss the proposed job and look through fabrics and talk about styles before coming to measure and estimate for you.

These estimators are usually designers as well as makers and as such you should expect to pay a commitment fee for their advice and measuring, this can some times be taken off the bill at the end, but if you need a full design service this would be estimated separately and wouldn’t be part of the curtain making costs.

In this age of technology it is possible to see photos of the estimator ahead of any consultation so you can feel confident to have a meeting with them.

Some distance consultations can be carried out using video messenger or similar. This is especially useful as the process moves along.

Once the estimator is in your home and you have narrowed down your fabric and design choices she/he will then take measurements that will enable a pretty accurate finished brief.

It will be the attention to detail at this point that will spot any obvious difficulties or potential problems that may occur at the finishing and dressing stage of the curtain job and should there be any, the estimator will suggest solutions to achieve your desired finished look.

They will then supply you with an estimate which you hopefully will accept.  Usually a deposit is required with the balance payment due upon fitting of your curtains and or soft furnishings.