There are some great ideas and inspiration for your home in the March issue of House and Garden.

We love it all but particularly like the Decorating section starting on page 69 and Edit section starting on page 91.

These section’s embrace old and new and demonstrates how modern and traditional can work together with ease.  So there are no reasons to ditch the much loved family heirlooms, they need to be embraced.  There will be a contemporary style that will complement.  Also the older properties do not need to be stuck in a time warp but can be sensitively decorated with a modern twist.

Plus we are really pleased and excited as our bespoke embroidered cushion is featured in the the Spring Sensation section (number 17 on page 178).

So go and treat yourself, build in some browsing time with a cuppa, disappear into the world of decoration and design and look out for us on page 178.